I don't know about all of you, but I can't believe summer is officially over. Here in Idaho it hardly seems like we had a summer. There were not near enough warm, lazy days. For instance on our annual Jefferson County Stampede Days in June we were all wearing our winter coats and snow hats to keep warm. I have turned on the heated seats in my Jeep every month so far this year and am sure I will be using it every month for the rest of the year. Who ever invented those, Thank you!
Never the less, we did have a few warm days. I LOVE SUMMER!!! It is my favorite time of year.
So I thought I would share a few pics of our summer fun.
We went to a few parades...
My husbands father with his Belgium horses in the 4th of July Parade.
Mr. K enjoying the day.
We had lots of fun at Grandma's (me) house climbing...
and swinging...
throwing rocks in grandpa's pond...with only one small slip...
cooking out...
and playing games.
We rode horses,
celebrated several birthdays...
picked and ate lots and lots of raspberries...MMMM
We had our daughter, Emily and her husband Jordan's Open House in our back yard.
What a great day!
We had a wonderful family Reunion in Island Park.
with camping...

and boating
and lots and lots of waterskiing...
little guys...
and big guys.
Yes, that's my husband at 53 showin' em how it's done!
On the way home we stopped at Big Juds for a BIG, BIG burger,
and some ice cream.
We haven't all been together at our home for 6 years!
It was so fun to get together!
Don't we have the cutest kids and grand children ever!!!
PS - One Olaveson baby due any day and a little Olaveson/Roskelley baby due in December.
That makes 10 grand children for those of you who are counting...we are so blessed!
My husband and I took one last overnight get a way to Yellowstone Park last week. It was so beautiful!
Old Faithful is amazing!
...and did I mention I LOVE SUMMER! I hate to see it end.
Wow, that was a lot of pictures to wade through, but I think all of you that did deserve a prize! Make a comment and you will be entered into a drawing for a "Bliss" charm pack!
"Bliss" In stores now!
Hope you all had a great summer!